Berrics Application

April 9, 2010 § 1 Comment

Joe Warner IM’d me the other day and told me The Berrics was hiring and told me to apply and I was hesitant to do it but then I thought what the fuck? How awesome would that be to work there? So I started making just the average schmuck resumé type thing and then the think tank known as Oscar Betancur said, “Dude, don’t do that make it cool, make it like one of your posters.”  Right there and then I was like Shit that’s an awesome idea. That night I threw a little something together and it ended up looking pretty cool. So Thanks Osc. I didn’t want to make something that was glorified and perfected I wanted to give them an honest impression of who I was. Take a second to think about how many regular resumés that the job you are applying to get PER DAY. White paper, Black 12pt text…boring. You’re a graphic designer make it look good (or at least interesting).

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