Thanksgiving: Good Times with Good People

November 25, 2010 § Leave a comment

Happy Thanksgiving!

So Thanksgiving is a time where we appreciate our  friends and our families and judge them via their cooking skills. Overall, it’s a time of warmth, wine, and good times! I got to have a little pre-Thanksgiving with a bunch of my close friends, it’s very rare that we can get all the Nom Now guys in one room for more than 10-minutes but it happened and it was awesome. Everyone pitched in and brought some kind of food to the table and it was fantastic, I was eating and laughing until my stomach hurt. I snapped a few photos throughout the night and I just really loved seeing everyone together and having a good time so I decided to write about it.

We are working on a little Nom Now holiday card so thats what those last pictures are about, I’m pretty pumped to see how the final card turns out so expect to see that coming up soon.

The whole reason I did this post was because of the first picture. Matt and Troy were having quite  the struggle with the wine bottle as I was all up in their faces taking photos and this one was just perfect to me. Matt had mentioned that it’s the prefect representation of that moment where you look around and you say, “hey who wants to lend a hand and help me open this wine?” And 15 minutes later after all the strain and struggle the cork finally pops. It felt really warm and seasonal, all the colors were perfect and if I worked for this wine company it will definitely be a choice stock photo, I could imagine the title being “Good friends opening a bottle of wine” It’s so cheesy, I love it. All I’m really trying to say with this post is that I hope everyone enjoys their holiday and don’t let little arguments get in the way of enjoying your friends and family being in one place for an extended period of time, because you never know when that can happen again.

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