A True Gem: A Woodblock Letter Table

February 22, 2011 § 13 Comments

I spent most of my Sunday in the beautiful town of New Hope, PA.  I had never been there before and I must say I was so excited to stroll around and check out all the little shops filled to the brim with interesting nick-nac’s and treats. Everything from Knives and Armor to Vintage Advertisements and Pee Wee Paraphernalia.

Casey suggested that we go out to eat at a little place called Fred’s and it was intense! It had a GREAT atmosphere and even better food. The catch is that you have to be a “member” to even get into this restaurant and its only open from 6 – 11. But let me tell you it’s 100% worth it to get up early and go. Plus there are a few awesome dogs that join in while singing happy birthday, what more could you want?

Moving on, I picked up this little gem over the weekend, in Lambertville at a little store called BCDC. It’s a great store that has a bunch of vintage trinkets and some really beautiful hand crafted goods (aka this table). Casey and I went in and looked around and while she was trying on a dress I walked over to this table that had a bunch of things on top of it and I saw a few woodblock letters and was immediately in love. I took all the stuff off of it and got to bask in it’s gloriousness for a little but was so hesitant to make the purchase, It was one of those things you want SOOOOO bad but you know you don’t need it. After about 30 minutes of intense persuasion the table was in the back of Casey’s car and on its way home with us, and I could not be more happy. I need to pick up some glass for it but it is a true gem. The table was made by a guy named Robert True Ogden his site isn’t up yet but you can still google some of his work and check out some of his gorgeous light fixtures.

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